Welcome! to Gina Ayanna's Blog

Hello and welcome to my blog, where I discuss all things photography, life and of course flowers, because I’m a tad obsessed. For those of you who may not know me; I was a portrait and wedding photographer for six years. All while working almost full time hours in banking. After I had my second daughter, I needed a break from that crazy pace and decided to become a full time mom. I started a blog (What Inspires Me) to find the things that inspire me, and to figure out what I wanted to do next. (And to keep me from losing myself in the role of mother) I followed my curiosity, only to have it lead me right back to photography. It's the thing that sparks the most joy in my life, outside of my family. The beauty of coming full circle is this time around I know myself. I've had lots of time to assess the things I did right and also examine the areas that needed improvement.

I definitely could have let the fear of starting over keep me from doing the thing I love. But I've learned what we call failure is simply a lesson, if we're paying attention. It is how we learn from challenges that determines our growth.  I say all this to say, I hope you will learn from your missteps and pick yourselves up every time you stumble.  

I also hope you'll follow along on my return to portrait and brand photography.


Gina Ayanna

Gina Ayanna

Brand Studio (Where Photography meets Strategy)
I help Therapists, Coaches, and Realtors craft compelling visual narratives by blending strategy with their unique story. When I'm not working on brand strategy, you'll usually find me in my garden, reading a book, or outdoors with my girls.